Designed for Electrically Large Problems

Nullspace EM empowers engineers to perform very accurate “electrically large” simulations.

This is a transformative change to traditional RF device design workflow, because now engineers can optimize devices that are too large for traditional simulation simulation software.

This image shows a phased array for a 5G or radar application. This dual-polarized array was developed and fabricated at IERUS and the radiation pattern was simulated with Nullspace EM.

Many problems, including phased arrays like this one, require the solution of numerous excitations to perform accurate radiation analysis. To properly optimize the radiation pattern characteristics of this phased array - every antenna feed has to be excited individually, resulting in a significant computational challenge for currently available software tools.

To put it into perspective, this 11 x 11 dual-feed array requires 242 separate simulation solutions in order to compute the full radiation pattern, study beamsteering effects, and other types of analysis.

Nullspace EM was designed to solve such electrically large problems quickly without compromising accuracy. Including all aspects of user-in-the-loop time required, this problem can be solved over 5X faster than current leading software.

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Nullspace EM simulation of a phased array with multilayer radome


Nullspace EM Simulation of 3D Bistatic Scattering from the NASA Almond