Understanding the Impacts of the Radome on Array Performance

Nullspace's CTO, Dr. Daniel Faircloth, talks about using Nullspace EM and Nullspace Prep software tools for EM simulation to better understand the impacts of the radome on array performance. This presentation is relevant for engineers designing advanced antenna and radar technologies for defense, aerospace, communications and automotive applications.

While leading EM simulation tools from companies like Ansys, Dassault Systèmes, Altair and the like are well-established and known by RF engineers, Nullspace is the new kind of EM software - designed to rapidly scale on multiple cores to simulate electrically large problems without any loss of accuracy.

This original presentation was given at the 2023 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in San Diego, CA under the title of "Reducing Cost and Schedule Risk through Advanced EM Simulation: a Phase Array Radome Case Study."

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Preparing a Ka-Band Horn Antenna for Simulation with Nullspace Prep


Nullspace EM Installation and Set Up